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Teams and Members with PipeOps

Welcome to PipeOps Teams, a robust feature designed to help you efficiently manage teams and their members. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to get started and maximize the potential of this functionality.

Accessing Teams

Begin by clicking on your profile in the navigation bar. This action will reveal a dropdown menu. From the dropdown, select "Teams," and you will be redirected to the teams page, where all available teams can be accessed.

Below is an example of the teams view page in PipeOps:

Teams View

Viewing Team Members

To view the members of a specific team, simply click on the desired team. The image below provides a visual representation of the members within a specific team:

Team Members View

Creating a New Team

Creating a new team is a straightforward process:

  1. On the teams page, locate and click the "Create New Team" button. This action will trigger a convenient form to appear.

  2. Fill out the necessary information in the form to create the new team. Specify the access level of the team, including project and server access.

  3. Refer to the images below, which illustrate the step-by-step process of creating a new team:

Create New Team 1

Create New Team 2

Create New Team 3

Adding Team Members

Adding a team member to a specific team is quick and easy:

  1. Navigate to the desired team and click on the "Add Team Member" button.
  2. A user-friendly form will appear, prompting you to provide essential information about the new team member. This includes their email address, admin privileges, and project/server access specifications.

Take a look at the image below, which displays the form for adding a new team member:

Add Team Member

Now you're all set to efficiently manage your teams and team members using PipeOps Teams! Enjoy the seamless collaboration and enhanced development experience.