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Deploying Rust on PipeOps

Deploying your Rust applications on PipeOps is a breeze, thanks to its robust support. In this guide, we'll walk you through the effortless process of deploying your Rust project.

Getting Started

For a quick and hassle-free start, clone our pre-built Rust template from here. This template includes a Dockerfile that simplifies deployment. If you already have a project ready for deployment, create a Dockerfile and copy the relevant information from our Rust template Dockerfile.

Here's an example Dockerfile based on our Rust template:

# Use a Rust base image
FROM rust:latest as build
# Set the working directory in the container
# Copy the Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock files to the container
COPY Cargo.toml ./
# Create an empty project with the same dependencies to cache them
RUN mkdir src && \
echo "fn main() {println!(\"if you see this, the build broke\")}" > src/ && \
cargo build --release && \
rm -f target/release/deps/pipeops-rust*
# Copy the rest of the source code to the container
COPY . .
# Build the Rust application
RUN cargo build --release
# Create a smaller final image
FROM debian:buster-slim
# Set the working directory in the final image
# Copy the built application from the build image to the final image
COPY --from=build /app/target/release/pipeops-rust .
# Expose the port your Rust web application listens on (change as needed)
# Command to run your Rust web application (adjust as needed)
CMD ["./pipeops-rust"]

Deploy Your Project

Assuming you have completed our get started guide, but if not, proceed to connect your PipeOps account to your preferred git provider and select your project. In the image below, you'll find the necessary configurations for your Django project. After completing these configurations, click on the "Deploy Project" button to initiate the deployment.



👍 Awesome!

Congratulations! Your Rust project is now successfully deployed.